1978年東京生まれ。ISSEY MIYAKEデザインチームに所属後、2005年よりフリーランス、ファッションの枠にとらわれず、建築へファブリック提案や、日本の伝統的なものつくりなどに携わる。2011年S/Sより自身のブランドand wanderをISSEY MIYAKEの同僚である池内啓太と展開。
Born in Tokyo in 1978. After having worked in the ISSEY MIYAKE design team, she became a freelancer in 2004. Having been exposed to many prefectural skills and traditional art crafts and sites of manufacturing, she is active and makes the best of her knowledge in projects of many fields such as fashion. From 2011 S/S, she has started her brand "and wander" with ex-collegue Keita Ikeuchi.